I dont regret buying this, as I want to support developers trying new things to make a compelling game for the a Apple Watch, but there are some very deep flaws unrelated to the platform.
- I happened to spend all my time doing random missions and training before really doing the story missions. This was mainly due to an earlier version, where there was a bug with advancing the story (which was fixed in an update). Anyway, after completely leveling up my spy, the story missions involve no decision making whatsoever. There is always an obvious "best choice" and "other choice" and it takes no effort to always pick the best choice. No interesting decisions means the game just isnt fun.
- The other main issue is the story mission titles are shown before you even get to them. For example, I am on a mission called "chase Jorge" and I could clearly see the next mission is titled "Jorge escapes".. This is beyond bad game design, this is bad story telling on the most basic level.
fftq about Spy_Watch